Year     1973
Name     Corris Kay Denny
Yearbook     Denny, Corris Kay
Status      Located
Bio     After graduating from VH, Kay went to Graceland College in Lamoni, IA, majoring in Art. There she met and later married Martin Flinn. (They are now divorced.)
She currently works as a morning shift supervisor at Wendy's in Bethany.
She is an active member of the Community of Christ Church and holds the priesthood office of Teacher. She is in charge of Children and Youth Ministry in the Bethany congregation and enjoys teaching crafts at church camps during the summer.
She has three children, of whom she is extremely proud. Her two sons are both in the military. Michael is 22 and has been in the Marine Corps for 2 1/2 years. He is a Lance Corporal and is currently serving in Iraq. Matthew is 19 and is an Army medic stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. Her daughter, Mackenzie, is almost 17 and will be a junion in High School and is thinking of a career in nursing.
Current Picture
1973 Upcoming Events:      
There are no scheduled events pending for the class of 1973.